Departure: The journey begins as we leave the bustling city of Cusco, heading south towards the enchanting town of Huasao. Our private car ride, lasting approximately 35 minutes, provides a scenic introduction to the beauty that lies ahead.
Preparation at the Farmhouse: Upon arrival at our quaint farmhouse, participants are equipped with all necessary safety gear and given a brief introduction to the ATVs (quad bikes). A practice session follows, ensuring everyone is comfortable and confident in maneuvering these vehicles safely and responsibly.
Exploration Begins: With everyone ready, we set off on our adventure to explore the village, archaeological park, and zoo of Tipon. This leg of the tour offers a fascinating glimpse into the region’s rich historical and cultural heritage.
Journey to Oropesa: Next, we venture to the colonial town of Oropesa, famous for its traditional bakeries.
Return and Barbecue: The adventure circles back to the town of Huasao, where a delicious barbecue awaits at our ranch. This culinary conclusion to the tour offers a perfect opportunity to relax, reflect on the day’s experiences, and savor the flavors of local cuisine.
End of Tour Services.
Pricing Details:
Price: US$ 130.00
Minimum: 2 Quads
Additional Passenger: US$ 60.00
Service:Cusco Moto Tour Peru is a professional and energetic company that has over 20 years of experience.
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Saphi Street 592, CUSCO - PERU
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Phone: 0051-84-266309
Phone Emergency :
0051 984681167 / 0051 913155962