Riding a motorcycle through Peru

Traveling on a motorcycle in Peru can be one of the most amazing experiences in a person’s life, we have seen, lived and heard stories that can draw a smile on anyone’s face. The change of scenery, curvy roads, off-road paths to unbelievable destinations, colorful towns and inhabitants make Peru a unique choice when riding.

One moment you can be riding on a beautifully maintained road filled with our beloved twisties and on the next one find yourself on a gravel road in the middle of nowhere completely in awe of the surrounding nature that really make you feel small in this world and when you come to your senses again you’re riding a crazy straight road with giant sand dunes to one side and the ocean to the other.

It is an endless list of possibilities and options that can appeal to every single type of rider that there is, and not only the riding is amazing the reward after each and single day of riding is an experience of its own.

You can enjoy that daily reward of a really cold and tasty cusqueña beer and Andean traditional food or maybe a very enjoyable Pisco sour or Chilcano with a Ceviche to seal the deal, and if this does not make it for you there is the offer of northern food like a lamb seco and a really cold beer and I am really only mentioning the tip of the iceberg in food and beverage options.

But in order to really enjoy this experience to the fullest it is really important that you take the best tool (motorcycle) for the job you want, doing this is not always easy (as we know that us riders tend to get a little carried away by our desire of adventure) we need to take into account a lot of factors when choosing the bike we need fulfill this dreamy trip like: experience, surface we want the majority of the trip to be on, route we are going to take, comfort we want during the trip and the speed we like to travel.

This is where the expertise of an experienced motorcycle travel agency (like us) comes in, were talking and really communicating with the rider and understanding a lot of these factors comes into place to choose the perfect route (if not already planned) and motorcycle for the perfect adventure.

In our many years of traveling in Peru and surrounding countries we have gathered enough experience to really build a fleet of bikes that can tackle any terrain in Peru whilst still getting enough diversity for any kind of rider, in the next post we will be explaining more about the bikes and for what, where and why we consider them suited for certain types of riding and terrains.

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